

ph. from google and life photo archive

i really don't know what it is about winter break, but it always gets me wanting to come right back to school...

i love cheerleading for football season. i really don't know why, but it makes me feel like i'm in an episode of Friday Night Lights. i'm really gonna miss it, gonna have to wait until next year. oh well, i'm going to REALLY miss that eye candy out on the 50 yd. line. ;)

i definitely think that the spring look for youth is a lookback to 70's. But my evident love of school and football season will make me wanna wear my hair wavy and parted in the middle with a floral frock, converse and a varsity jacket worn over my shoulders. like this:

my 70's teenage dream. lol.




well theres my REALISTIC wishlist. Tiffany Charm, Miss Dior Cherie, and the Nikes I'm hoping and praying I receive this year!

and this is the list for Santa. HOPEFULLY YOU EXSIST!

going out for coffee now. xx


...model much?

don't you just wanna look like these people? honestly, only if we ALL had model looks... 

anyway i'm julia. ten things you should know about me?

1. im 14
2. im 5'9"
3. i love to dance (ballet, lyrical, the works...)
4. im on the cheer team at my high school
5. i love fashion
6. i REALLY like chocolate
7. i have an irresistible love for athletes (football happens to be my fave)
8. i play volleyball, but thats LEGIT the only sport i play
9. i love black
10. my fave brand is Chanel

holey crap. i hate firsts post. so fucking uncomfortable...